
Our new Reception class will be closely observed by staff in their first 3-4 weeks at school in order for the school to assess their initial assessment baseline. Every pupil will be assessed during everyday classroom practise in all curriculum subjects. At the end of each term, teachers will make judgments about children's attainment. They may be judged to be working below age related expectation (ARE), working towards standard (WTS), working at the expected standard (EXS) or working at the greater depth standard (GDS).

Teachers will closely monitor pupil outcomes and compare them to outcomes at the end of their previous phase in learning (EYFS or KS 1). They will ensure that all pupils are making expected or better progress against previous learning and plan intervention where pupils are not making the expected progress.

Subject Leaders, The Senior Leadership Team and Governing Body will monitor standards of all pupils, including pupils with SEND and Pupil Premium funding. This monitoring will consist of work scrutiny, talking to pupils about their learning, lesson observations and assessment monitoring.


Our new Reception class will be closely observed by staff in their first 3-4 weeks at school in order for the school to assess their initial assessment baseline. Every pupil will be assessed during everyday classroom practise in all curriculum subjects. At the end of each term, teachers will make judgments about children's attainment. They may be judged to be working below age related expectation (ARE), working towards standard (WTS), working at the expected standard (EXS) or working at the greater depth standard (GDS).

Teachers will closely monitor pupil outcomes and compare them to outcomes at the end of their previous phase in learning (EYFS or KS 1). They will ensure that all pupils are making expected or better progress against previous learning and plan intervention where pupils are not making the expected progress.

Subject Leaders, The Senior Leadership Team and Governing Body will monitor standards of all pupils, including pupils with SEND and Pupil Premium funding. This monitoring will consist of work scrutiny, talking to pupils about their learning, lesson observations and assessment monitoring.