At Ashover Primary School approximately 70% of our pupils live too far away from the school to walk to school and back each day.
Derbyshire County Council Transport provide a school bus for children that live within Ashover Parish to use.
At school morning drop off and afternoon pick up the roads in the village are very busy.
The school have discussed the issues at Governors meetings and the following actions have been adopted to try and support the ongoing issues:
· Visitors and parents are permitted to use the school car park if they display a blue badge.
At Ashover Primary School approximately 70% of our pupils live too far away from the school to walk to school and back each day.
Derbyshire County Council Transport provide a school bus for children that live within Ashover Parish to use.
At school morning drop off and afternoon pick up the roads in the village are very busy.
The school have discussed the issues at Governors meetings and the following actions have been adopted to try and support the ongoing issues:
· Visitors and parents are permitted to use the school car park if they display a blue badge.