
At Ashover Primary School approximately 70% of our pupils live too far away from the school to walk to school and back each day.

Derbyshire County Council Transport provide a school bus for children that live within Ashover Parish to use.

At school morning drop off and afternoon pick up the roads in the village are very busy.

The school have discussed the issues at Governors meetings and the following actions have been adopted to try and support the ongoing issues:

  • ·       The school operates a car park drop off each morning where parents can drive down Narrowleys Lane and into the school car park. Parents can then drop their child off without needing to park in the village thus reducing the numbers of cars parked each morning. Parents are asked not to arrive before the drop off opens at 8.45am. The drop off closes at 9am.
  • ·       The school encourages it’s pupils to find sustainable ways of travelling to school ie park and stride (park at The Village Hall or Crispin and walk the rest of the way), use the school bus, car share with peers/neighbours etc.
  • ·       The school Governing Body has created a proposal document with the local PCO suggesting several adaptions to signage, road marking etc which has been shared with The Parish Council and residents and parents have been consulted on. DCC have approved and actioned some of the proposals in the document ie yellow lines to prevent parking at high risk areas.
  • ·       The school keeps traffic cones outside school where Narrowleys Lane gets narrow to prevent parking so that traffic can flow without vehicles resulting in mounting the footpath.
  • ·       New parents to the school are asked to ensure they do not park on dropped curbs or obstructing residents access. This is also detailed in the parent/school ‘Home School Agreement’ which all parents sign during admission to the school.
  • · The Headteacher periodically makes parking spot checks and speaks to parents if their parking compromises public safety or obstructs access.
  • ·       If the public provide photographic evidence of unsafe or discourteous parking, the Headteacher shares the registration plate and a description of the unwanted parking on the school communication platform.

·       Visitors and parents are permitted to use the school car park if they display a blue badge.


At Ashover Primary School approximately 70% of our pupils live too far away from the school to walk to school and back each day.

Derbyshire County Council Transport provide a school bus for children that live within Ashover Parish to use.

At school morning drop off and afternoon pick up the roads in the village are very busy.

The school have discussed the issues at Governors meetings and the following actions have been adopted to try and support the ongoing issues:

  • ·       The school operates a car park drop off each morning where parents can drive down Narrowleys Lane and into the school car park. Parents can then drop their child off without needing to park in the village thus reducing the numbers of cars parked each morning. Parents are asked not to arrive before the drop off opens at 8.45am. The drop off closes at 9am.
  • ·       The school encourages it’s pupils to find sustainable ways of travelling to school ie park and stride (park at The Village Hall or Crispin and walk the rest of the way), use the school bus, car share with peers/neighbours etc.
  • ·       The school Governing Body has created a proposal document with the local PCO suggesting several adaptions to signage, road marking etc which has been shared with The Parish Council and residents and parents have been consulted on. DCC have approved and actioned some of the proposals in the document ie yellow lines to prevent parking at high risk areas.
  • ·       The school keeps traffic cones outside school where Narrowleys Lane gets narrow to prevent parking so that traffic can flow without vehicles resulting in mounting the footpath.
  • ·       New parents to the school are asked to ensure they do not park on dropped curbs or obstructing residents access. This is also detailed in the parent/school ‘Home School Agreement’ which all parents sign during admission to the school.
  • · The Headteacher periodically makes parking spot checks and speaks to parents if their parking compromises public safety or obstructs access.
  • ·       If the public provide photographic evidence of unsafe or discourteous parking, the Headteacher shares the registration plate and a description of the unwanted parking on the school communication platform.

·       Visitors and parents are permitted to use the school car park if they display a blue badge.