Governing Body Membership

Current Governing Body Membership



Method of Appointment

Current Term of Office

Nick Watts

Parent Governor

Elected by Parents

3/5/2021 to 3/5/2025




Ellen Hardwick

Co-opted Governor

Appointed by Governing Body

10/3/2020 to 10/3/2024




Mark Baltrop

Co-opted Governor

Appointed by Governing Body

04/12/22 to 4/12/26




Sue Myhill

Head teacher Governor

On becoming Head teacher

Whilst Head teacher




Carl Hayes

Local Authority Governor

Appointed by the Local Authority

04/12/22 to 31/10/2025

Robin Wilson

Matt Guest

Staff Governor 

Co-opted Governor

Appointed by the Staff 

Appointed by Governing Body

20/10/2021 to 20/10/2025

6/7/2022 to 6/7/2026

Charlotte Harrison

Parent Governor

Elected by Parents

4/03/2023 to 4/03/2027

Georgina Smith

LA Governor

Appointed by Governing Body

5/7/2023 to 2/7/2027

Andrew Whitaker  

Parent Governor

Elected by Parents

2/5/2024 to 4/5/2026

Robin Grant

Associate Governor

Appointed by Governing Body

2/5/2024 to 4/5/2026



Headteacher Performance Management Committee

Carl Hayes, Mark Barltop and Charlotte Harrison


Governors who ceased to hold office during 2022/23 and during the current academic year




Method of Appointment (for final term ending on cessation date)

Term in Office (final term ending on cessation date)

Ceased to hold office



Gethin Jones

Parent Governor

Elected by Parents

17/10/2018 to 5/3/2023

On resignation


Angela Stephenson

Parent Governor

Elected by Parents

4/2/2019 o 1/2/2023

On resignation